[ Who we are ]

Ashware Studio is an art and design studio inspired by the harmony of mind and body. Rooted in the principles of wabi-sabi and modern mindfulness, we embrace simplicity, imperfection, and the transient beauty of impermanence. Through our work, we aim to convey the importance of finding beauty in everyday moments and being present in the current moment.

Founded by artist and designer Megumi Yoshida in 2011 as a small ceramics studio on Ash Street in Brooklyn, New York, Ashware Studio has since grown, now based in Naples, Florida. Influenced by cultures around the world, we continue to create meaningful works that blend contemporary aesthetics with timeless design.

Ashware Studioは、心と体の調和からインスパイアされたアートとデザインのスタジオです。わびさびと現代的なマインドフルネスの原則を基に、シンプルさと不完全さ、無常の美しさを大切にしています。私たちは作品を通して、日常の中に美しさを見つけ、現在の瞬間に意識を向けることの大切さを伝えています。

2011年、ニューヨークのブルックリンのAsh Streetにアーテ小さな陶芸スタジオとして創立され、その後フロリダ州ネイプルズに拠点を移しました。世界中の影響を受けた、現代的な美学の中で時を超える意味ある作品を作り続けています。

[ About the Artist ]

Megumi Yoshida is a Japanese-born artist based in the United States. After earning her degree in industrial design from Parsons School of Design, she built her career as a designer in New York City before embarking on her journey as an independent artist.

Her current focus is on creating ceramic works inspired by Japanese traditional culture, Western modern lifestyles, Zen, mindfulness, and her rich experiences traveling across various countries. In addition to ceramics, she expands her artistic expression through landscape and nature photography. Her Sumi ink paintings beautifully bridge traditional techniques and a modern vision, resulting in unique pieces that blend the past and present, tradition and innovation.

吉田恵(Megumi Yoshida)は、日本生まれのアーティストで、現在アメリカ合衆国を拠点に活動しています。パーソンズ美術大学で工業デザインの学位を取得後、ニューヨーク市でデザイナーとしてキャリアを築き、その後、独立したアーティストとしての道を歩み始めました。
